Sacred Tree Traditions LLC welcomes you to our International Community
Welcome! |
The Universe is a Living Entity that uses its Mind to Create.
The beings that are created by the Universal Mind, may have the same power within their boundaries of evolution. At Sacred Tree Traditions we teach how to extend those boundaries through the expansion of consciousness. The following are key notes to Remember why we are here as human consciousness beings; to bring us into an enlightened now, and to reestablish a harmonious relationship with Life, on this journey through Time & Space. |

Everyone on Earth is here for a reason.
You leave and return to where you belong after you have mastered/succeeded in your task.
- There is only one struggle on Earth, it is in the present moment, here on Earth and on a personal level.
You struggle with yourself, if you succeed in mastering your inner battles, your reward is inner peace.
- There is no enemy you can attack except yourself.
If you waste your vital energy attacking something or someone outside of yourself, you will fail at Life. If you fail at Life, you will re-enter the wheel of reincarnation.
- If you are doing a task that was not assigned to you by your soul, you will suffer in this Life.
- On this Material Plane we experience many levels of frequencies, as levels and realms of reality, and as energies itself.
The levels of reality we tune into, is determined by our understanding of Cosmic Law.
- Souls are dual, you are also somewhere else, but always instinctively being pulled, to be united with the other.
You have certain gifts that come with having a Soul, these need to be mastered in Life, all while you are alive, in human bodies.
- The Universe is a living and Intelligent being, who uses its mind to create.
The beings created from the Universe all have the same power within them, and may access this power according to their boundaries and levels of awareness.
- Malicious energy beings, gather around us when we are driven by unbalanced emotions, passion/suffering and self-destructive desires.
Malicious energy beings, are attracted to us and create through us through our unconscious behavior patterns. Humans call them evil, but they are passive reactors of energy. They never instigate, they respond to the energies that are in harmony with them, therefore, you are the instigator, who plays the victim. Respect their task, and it will be recognized. They accompany our thoughts and will attempt to divert them to their lowest vibrations if we lack mental discipline.
- There is no force that wants you to fail at Life.
Reality is a mirror of the frequencies you are holding within yourself.
- Your task is to live the Divine Law as it has been revealed to you, at your stage, on this journey of Mastering Life.
- The Divine Law is not in this realm, it has a purpose for you.
Prove that you are Worthy of Life and gain your Ascension.
- The Divine Law is the manifestation of the Will of "The One Divine Intelligence".
The One Divine Intelligence, creates everything that exists within this universe, and also maintains, nourishes, balances, energizes and renews it.
The Divine Law controls the manifestation of Karma - the law of cause and effect. Every frequency matches a reality.
- Creation through visualization does not work for everybody.
A person has to reach a certain level in development to master creative visualization. This requires living by strict rules, applying them to everything you do in life in detail. Most humans do not have the discipline nor self-control to achieve this stage.
- When the masses are made to believe something negative, they will create exactly what they do not want.
This is how the current system works, you are being constantly bombarded by energies, information and images that tune you into a specific dis-empowered reality.
Time to Wake Up and Remember!
You leave and return to where you belong after you have mastered/succeeded in your task.
- There is only one struggle on Earth, it is in the present moment, here on Earth and on a personal level.
You struggle with yourself, if you succeed in mastering your inner battles, your reward is inner peace.
- There is no enemy you can attack except yourself.
If you waste your vital energy attacking something or someone outside of yourself, you will fail at Life. If you fail at Life, you will re-enter the wheel of reincarnation.
- If you are doing a task that was not assigned to you by your soul, you will suffer in this Life.
- On this Material Plane we experience many levels of frequencies, as levels and realms of reality, and as energies itself.
The levels of reality we tune into, is determined by our understanding of Cosmic Law.
- Souls are dual, you are also somewhere else, but always instinctively being pulled, to be united with the other.
You have certain gifts that come with having a Soul, these need to be mastered in Life, all while you are alive, in human bodies.
- The Universe is a living and Intelligent being, who uses its mind to create.
The beings created from the Universe all have the same power within them, and may access this power according to their boundaries and levels of awareness.
- Malicious energy beings, gather around us when we are driven by unbalanced emotions, passion/suffering and self-destructive desires.
Malicious energy beings, are attracted to us and create through us through our unconscious behavior patterns. Humans call them evil, but they are passive reactors of energy. They never instigate, they respond to the energies that are in harmony with them, therefore, you are the instigator, who plays the victim. Respect their task, and it will be recognized. They accompany our thoughts and will attempt to divert them to their lowest vibrations if we lack mental discipline.
- There is no force that wants you to fail at Life.
Reality is a mirror of the frequencies you are holding within yourself.
- Your task is to live the Divine Law as it has been revealed to you, at your stage, on this journey of Mastering Life.
- The Divine Law is not in this realm, it has a purpose for you.
Prove that you are Worthy of Life and gain your Ascension.
- The Divine Law is the manifestation of the Will of "The One Divine Intelligence".
The One Divine Intelligence, creates everything that exists within this universe, and also maintains, nourishes, balances, energizes and renews it.
The Divine Law controls the manifestation of Karma - the law of cause and effect. Every frequency matches a reality.
- Creation through visualization does not work for everybody.
A person has to reach a certain level in development to master creative visualization. This requires living by strict rules, applying them to everything you do in life in detail. Most humans do not have the discipline nor self-control to achieve this stage.
- When the masses are made to believe something negative, they will create exactly what they do not want.
This is how the current system works, you are being constantly bombarded by energies, information and images that tune you into a specific dis-empowered reality.
Time to Wake Up and Remember!
Seeds of Life - Teaching Lodge Publications - Substack
Hello my name is Donna Maria Camps. Let me introduce the Why and What I do through Sacred Tree Traditions. We can create a more harmonious reality for ourselves by raising our operational level of consciousness. Doing this, assists in the Great Awakening to another way of being on the planet. I show a Path to Professionals, Teachers and Healers, whose goals are assisting, guiding and holding space for others. This Path leads to developing effective, mutually self-empowering forms of communication, and breaks limiting patterning on all levels - emotional, mental, spiritual and physical, thereby creating higher levels of relationships with one's self, others, and the universe. |
I am a certified Hypnotherapist, who has worked with severely abused individuals, in all domains, from sexual abuse, to physical, emotional, mental and spiritual abuse.
I worked as a hypnotherapist in an Alcohol and Substance Abuse Facility in Quebec, Canada. I also worked for many years as a Spiritual Advisor, in the field of criminal behavior modification, with male medium security inmates, within the Federal Prison System in Canada - Correctional Service Canada. * During my time with Correctional Service Canada, I was privileged to be trained in the delivering of behavior modification and rehabilitation programs. I also held my own private practice as a hypnotherapist treating cases that western medicine could find no solutions. |
Current Services
MentorshipDuring these challenging times of global transition, I am offering a virtual mentorship platform, to address the difficulties and challenges in Life.
The mentorship will be based on The Seeds of Life - Star Seed Teachings. These teachings are tools, to help shift our perception of what is actually going on at this time, in our personal life as well as collectively on the planet. Once correctly understood, we become aware of the fact that what we perceive as difficulties and challenges, are in reality, Life initiating us, into remembering who we truly are. Initiating us into stepping up, and taking responsibility, for our internal power of transformation, in order to build a new sustaining relationship with Life itself. The more difficult the challenge, the more power we are being asked to tap into, in order to successfully accomplish our innate life plan. |
Dark Moon Transformation CourseDark Moon Transformation Teachings is a powerful tool to access and transform spiritual, emotional and physical conditionings through the teachings of the Dark Moon.
Dark Moon Transformation Teachings will provide you with: * The Lost Dark Moon Transformation Teachings * The Lost Teachings of the Nature of The Four Goddesses of the Moon * The Lost Teachings of the Esoteric nature of the Phases of the Moon * Lost Teachings on the Nature and Elements of the Moon Tides * Printable Moon Chart & Moon Chart Guidelines |
Healing Meditations |
We are happy to offer you this activation meditation, of 10 of your inherent self-empowering gifts. This meditation contains key words to activate and reprogram the subconscious mind, into success oriented activity. It is recommended that you repeat this meditation daily for 21 days, in order to generate the best results.
Sacred Tree Traditions & Institute of Conscious Awakening are offering a newly created downloadable Healing Meditation on Abandonment & Addiction for those on the Path of Ascension.
As children, we have developed our perceptions in a society that is lacking to provide a sense of safety, and protection on all levels. This environment causes us to internalize incredible levels of fear. Not receiving the necessary psychological or physical protection, and the sense of feeling safe, leads us to develop abandonment issues, which is the basis of addiction. |
Seeds of Life - Teaching Lodge Publications

The Teaching Lodge Publications is a new service offered on our other platform Seeds Of Life.
We are publishing many levels of teachings to subscribers from Natural Health and Beauty to Teachings about Life, the Soul, Relationships, Health Enhancing Lifestyles and so much more.
The more intimate and esoteric teachings will be shared privately, through paid subscription.
Seeds of Life - is dedicated to sharing Seeds of Information, in order to initiate higher states of Conscious Awareness.
We are publishing many levels of teachings to subscribers from Natural Health and Beauty to Teachings about Life, the Soul, Relationships, Health Enhancing Lifestyles and so much more.
The more intimate and esoteric teachings will be shared privately, through paid subscription.
Seeds of Life - is dedicated to sharing Seeds of Information, in order to initiate higher states of Conscious Awareness.
Latest Music MixThe Star
Enjoy - In Joy |
Conscious Fusion MusicWe have playlists to assist in grounding the Light within you at this time.
Visit our YouTube Channel Enjoy our Conscious Fusion Music Playlists Subscribe to our channel to receive notices of our new playlists. Join us on Facebook at: Conscious Fusion Music |
The Sanctuary
Sacred Tree Traditions has been successful in establishing a home base - The Sanctuary - in the West Indies.
From this homestead island base, we offer holistic services including Yoga, Sweat Lodge, The Emotional Intelligence Workshop as well as Personal Counseling, Conferences and Retreats.
Sacred Tree Traditions with Donna Maria Camps are part of an international community and are associated with Indie Birth Mystery School, based in the USA.
Our combined aim and vision is focused on creating structures and systems that support and honor Life and our connection to it. We build our foundation by reconnecting with the Life Force, with the planet, and the elements that support our lives.
How do we reconnect with the Path of Life?
* We practice the art of managing our energies - mental, emotional, spiritual and physical. We practice operating in a more conscious and aware manner in our activities. These life skill teachings are offered through our workshops, courses, as well as through traditional healing ceremonies.
* We create life sustaining environments by first of all mastering our personal energy; then we can master the energy within our homes, our work-places, within our relationships, and through creating beautiful green spaces.
* We promote the concepts of internal sourcing; self-mastery; self-respect; healing the collective unconscious, through personal healing and integrity. We believe that it is our birthright to live a life in the energy of prosperity and thriving, but we also acknowledge that it takes spiritual maturity to do so.
* Sacred Tree Traditions and Indie Birth Mystery School produce, co-produce and deliver, workshops, seminars, trainings, events, classes, facilitates ceremonies, rites of passage work and holistic health care, to assist people in remembering and reclaiming their inherent power. These key tools aid in developing and applying skills that support living a more responsive, higher quality, awakened, aware, self-empowering, liberated existence.
*Important Note - We are here to offer tools to help you move into a better vibration and into a more fulfilling life. But it takes effort on your part to make the shift. There have been many cases where those who have come to us, seeking a better life, have been given the tools, but have not invested their time nor their effort in applying the tools. The key to external change is inner transformation.
Our life is like a potential garden, we need to remove the weeds of our life limiting patterns of behavior; till the soil of our mind to plant the seeds of a new way of being and perceiving reality; and bask in the beauty of the flowing of ourselves.
Collectively we can make the shift into the new Aquarian age, if we are willing to sacrifice limitation, and walk away from what does not serve us on our path of mastering life.
From this homestead island base, we offer holistic services including Yoga, Sweat Lodge, The Emotional Intelligence Workshop as well as Personal Counseling, Conferences and Retreats.
Sacred Tree Traditions with Donna Maria Camps are part of an international community and are associated with Indie Birth Mystery School, based in the USA.
Our combined aim and vision is focused on creating structures and systems that support and honor Life and our connection to it. We build our foundation by reconnecting with the Life Force, with the planet, and the elements that support our lives.
How do we reconnect with the Path of Life?
* We practice the art of managing our energies - mental, emotional, spiritual and physical. We practice operating in a more conscious and aware manner in our activities. These life skill teachings are offered through our workshops, courses, as well as through traditional healing ceremonies.
* We create life sustaining environments by first of all mastering our personal energy; then we can master the energy within our homes, our work-places, within our relationships, and through creating beautiful green spaces.
* We promote the concepts of internal sourcing; self-mastery; self-respect; healing the collective unconscious, through personal healing and integrity. We believe that it is our birthright to live a life in the energy of prosperity and thriving, but we also acknowledge that it takes spiritual maturity to do so.
* Sacred Tree Traditions and Indie Birth Mystery School produce, co-produce and deliver, workshops, seminars, trainings, events, classes, facilitates ceremonies, rites of passage work and holistic health care, to assist people in remembering and reclaiming their inherent power. These key tools aid in developing and applying skills that support living a more responsive, higher quality, awakened, aware, self-empowering, liberated existence.
*Important Note - We are here to offer tools to help you move into a better vibration and into a more fulfilling life. But it takes effort on your part to make the shift. There have been many cases where those who have come to us, seeking a better life, have been given the tools, but have not invested their time nor their effort in applying the tools. The key to external change is inner transformation.
Our life is like a potential garden, we need to remove the weeds of our life limiting patterns of behavior; till the soil of our mind to plant the seeds of a new way of being and perceiving reality; and bask in the beauty of the flowing of ourselves.
Collectively we can make the shift into the new Aquarian age, if we are willing to sacrifice limitation, and walk away from what does not serve us on our path of mastering life.
The Time Has Come to Remember the Sacred Mysteries of Birth Through the Deep Truth of Real Wisdom Keepers
The Sacred Birth Certificate is an Online Training Program That Helps Midwives and Birth Workers Serve Women More Authentically, and Pregnant Women and Mothers Be Seen and Heard in the Deep Initiation of Birth
Institute of Conscious Awakening
Our online school is pleased to offer you this Free Course - An Introduction to Ancient Healing Techniques
We will be offering more healing meditations for those of you on the path of Ascension. Be sure to check in with us often. Our latest Healing Meditation is on Abandonment & Addiction. If you are in tune with the energies of the Moon and would like to learn more about the Moon Cycles, Phases and Moon Tides - Dark Moon Transformation Teaching provides you with the information you need to work with Moon Energy. Here are tools for Shifting Consciousness - Hidden Teachings for Women to Step Into Their Goddess Power. |
Emotional Intelligence - A Transformative Learning Experience
Emotional Intelligence Workshop incorporates 3 dimensions of transformative learning.
1. Psychological - Change in understanding - by providing knowledge and information to shift your understanding and provide the 'why'. 2. Behavioral - Change in actions - by using observation, application and experimentation to do something differently. 3. Convictional - Revision of belief system - you will permanently shift your perspective or view, through 'Aha!' moments and insights. |
Donna Maria's Emotional Intelligence course gave me a deeper understanding behind some tools and concepts I had used in my personal growth over the years as well as learning many new ones . This transformational information was layered and shared in ways that lifted me to new heights of understanding and application, which has shifted me in profound ways in my moment to moment experience of life. I am happier, healthier and living in harmony with my authentic expression because of my informed choices and perspectives. Donna Maria is a compassionate, respectful, dynamic, playful mentor who inspired me in my darkness, to be my best self and enjoy life. I will be forever grateful I had the pleasure of learning with her during the course, but also grateful for the ongoing support and deeper learning the materials reveal to me each time to work with them. ~ Leslie Ontario Canada
Current Moon Phase