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- Lavender Essential Oil
Lavender Essential Oil
Sold in Trinidad & Tobago - $95.00TTD
Lavender Essential Oil - 1 oz.
The Romans used lots of Lavender for their baths. Its name comes from its ancient Latin root meaning to wash. The odor of Lavender is fresh and revitalizing, it is the symbol of wisdom, and it agrees with circumspect, calm and prudent natures. Mixed with Rosemary, it is pleasing to conventional, sober and sometimes austere personalities.
Lavender is the symbol of trustworthiness, memory, patience and softness, stability, altruism, righteousness, vitality, mastering the self and for psychic protection.
Therapeutic Action:
Lavender Essential Oil balances the nervous system, and calms cerebral-spinal excitability. It calms the sympathetic and para sympathetic systems. It can be used to calm nervous tension, stress and overwork, nervousness, depression, normal and chronic anxiety. Add a few drops of Lavender essential to the bath water, this creates a state of well being, recuperation and relaxation. It is calming and effective for anxiety. A few drops on a hand kerchief held and inhaled is excellent for fainting spells, headaches and migraine. It has a calming effect on mental activity, also calming neuralgia.
It is used to promote sleep and used in cases of insomnia. For children to promote a calm sleep it is often mixed with chamomile. This oil is balancing, used to stabilize the emotions, calms irritability, it is also used to calm the hormonal crisis around puberty.
On the respiratory system, this essential oil is antiseptic and can be used to treat tuberculosis, bacterial infections of the lungs and typhoid. Its actions are amplified if mixed with pine, thyme and savory. It is effective in combatting bronchitis, colds, sinusitis, and all respiratory problems. It is expectorant. It calm ear ache. Used as a mouth wash it treats canker soars and combats bad breath. Used as a gargle it is efficient to treat throat infections.
On the digestive system, it combats digestive problems like gassiness and bloating. It is calming and helps to expel gas from the intestines. It is efficient in treating gastro-enteritis, diarrhea, nausea, intestinal cramps, stomach cramps and colic.
On the circulatory system, it stimulates the circulation, it a tonic for the heart. It is a hypo tensor and can be used in cases of high blood pressure, heart palpitations, heart pain and irregular heart beat. Rubbed on the legs, it treats varicose veins. It has a toning action on the entire organism.
On the muscular and articulations system, Lavender Essential Oil calms pain and muscular tension. It is used to treat arthritis, stiffness, lumbago and sciatica. It is used to treat strains, sprains, traumas due to sport. It is also used to treat athletes foot. Rubbed on the feet it lessens sweating.
On the lymphatic system, this oil is antiseptic, a natural antibiotic, antimicrobial, anti-venom and anti-viral. It is used to treat chickenpox. It is a tonic for the lymphatic system and combats lymphatic swelling, it stimulates the circulation of lymph and promotes the production of white blood cells. It acts rapidly to reduce fevers and has an anti-inflammatory effect on the system. It eliminates toxins from the body, it eliminates excess liquid from the body, cellulite and the swelling of the legs.
On the skin, this oil is antiseptic and is used to treat acne, itching, boils, abscesses, herpes and yeast infections, skin allergies and skin infections. It is used to regenerate the skin and used to balance both dry and oily skin. It is also used to treat burns, and to heal wounds. It is efficient in treating insect bites and stings, zona and eczema, bruises, psoriasis and dermatosis. Rubbed on the scalp, it is efficient against dandruff, falling hair, oily scalp and baldness. It is also used to get rid of lice. Lavender Essential oil renews the cells and is used in treating sunburn. It is deodorant and is used to purify the body and eliminate body odor. It is also used to stimulate the glands and is used to treat infections of the breasts.
Used in a wardrobe its odor eliminates mites as it is insecticide.
Lavender Essential oil should be added to the first aid kit .It can be used concentrated or mixed with a carrier oil.
Dosage: Maximum of 6 drops per day.
Office - 227-9322
Cell - 741-1770