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- Eucalyptus globulus Essential Oil
Eucalyptus globulus Essential Oil
In Trinidad & Tobago sold for - $77.95TTD
Eucalyptus globulus Essential Oil - 1 oz.
Eucalyptus is planted in swampy areas to absorb the abundant water from the earth. It is one of largest trees that exist and there are more than 200 species of eucalyptus.
Therapeutic action:
On the nervous system, Eucalyptus globulus Essential Oil is excellent for treating headaches, migraine and neuralgia. It stimulates the ortho sympathetic system - a part of the autonomic nervous system responsible for accelerating the heart rate and raising the blood pressure under stress. It brings clarity to the mind, stimulates the spirit and helps with concentration.
On the respiratory system, it has an antiseptic action. Its action is amplified when mixed with lemon and thyme essential oils. We can use this oil against lung infections, bronchitis, laryngitis, throat infections, influenza, asthma, emphysema and colds. It is an expectorant and is used to remove phlegm and decongest the respiratory system. In inhalations Eucalyptus globulus Essential Oil is used to treat runny nose, sinusitis and for a blocked nose. It softens the mucous in the respiratory system and it protects the lungs. It can also be used against ear infections.
On the digestive system, because of its anti-infection nature, it is used against colibacillosis, enteritis, gastro-enteritis, and diarrhea. It stimulates the pancreas and has hypoglycemic agents, efficient against diabetes. This essential oil is a vermifuge, it eliminates worms and other parasites from the intestines.
On the muscular and articulation system, this oil when used in a massage oil mix, relieves muscular pain, it is used to relieve rheumatic pain and pain in the joints. It is a stimulant and a tonic and is effect as an after sport treatment and against muscular fatigue. It has the ability to be slightly heating and cooling.
On the lymphatic system, Eucalyptus globulus is known as the ‘fever tree’, it reduces fevers. It is a natural antibiotic, fungicide, anti-parasitic, anti-microbe, anti-infection, anti-viral, and bactericide. It is an effective disinfectant and deodorant.
On the urinary system, this oil is antiseptic and used in cases of urethritis, cystitis, and kidney problems. It stimulates and reinforces these. By its action as a diuretic, it is used against water retention and is effective in cases of obesity.
For the skin, this oil is an antiseptic and is used against boils, herpes, fungal infections, ulcers of the skin and against oily skin. It is also used against bacterial dermatitis, and is used as a disinfectant for cuts and wounds, it is healing and used to heal burns. Used on the scalp, it gets rid of lice and different parasites that bother both man and animal. It is also effective against insect bites and to keep insects at bay.
NOTE: It is important to use this essential mixed with a carrier oil as it can be an irritant to the skin. Avoid this oil if you are on homeopathic medication and if you suffer from hypoglycemia. Too strong a dose can affect the kidneys. This oil should not be ingested by children under 6 years old.
Dosage: Maximum of 6 drops per day. Excessive dosage can produce headache and drunkenness.
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