The Full Moon in the Fixed sign Leo brings with it dramatic emotional situations, needy feelings around issues of appreciation and admiration may be at the heart of situations this month. There will also be challenges around ‘appearance’ – the way things appear versus the way things really are. On the positive side, February’s Full Moon influence focuses on self-improvement, celebrations of life and expressing your beauty and art in and through your environment. Full moon energy is felt three days before the actual full moon, and so also this months’ Full Moon falls under the Influence of Imbolc – the ancient Celtic Festival of the return of the Goddess of Light and Fire – Brighid. This is a time of purification and increase on all levels.
The Sabian symbol associated with 14 degrees Leo is – ‘Cherub-like, a human soul whispers, seeking to manifest.’ This symbol is associated with – the desire to be, to suffer and to grow which brings Spirit to Earth; Whole-souled self-giving; Yearning for experience.
This second full moon will have a very powerful influence around our core identity. You may feel the necessity to re-evaluate your relationships in general and especially your relationship to yourself. Remember this year is under the Mars influence, so ambition and competition are at issue for the whole year. Whether at work, at play and especially this month within relationships, Mars encourages us to face challenges and to be better than our best. Be mindful of the experiences you which to attract into your life at this time. Here are some of the question that will surely arise during this month – are you living your life from your true self, have you created your life around your own ideas, ideals and beliefs or have you fallen into the mould of old conditioning and are focused on appearances and what others think and say? Do you need external admiration and appreciation for what you have accumulated in this life, or are you satisfied with the inner knowledge and wisdom gained through your own life experiences? Do you need to create dramatic situations to be noticed and to draw attention to yourself? And if so, what is lacking within you that needs to be filled from without? These are the issues we need to be mindful of during this full moon influence. We have an opportunity to create a new world, but this creation starts on an individual level. It starts when each person allows the true expression of their soul essence to come forth and manifest at this time, which will ground the Spirit of the New Era onto our planet Earth.
Message to Light Workers
To all Light Workers - Do not become distracted and fascinated with the desperation of the death pains of the old regime. During this time of purification, their desperation will manifest as dramatics, aggressivity and complete lack of respect for all forms of life on this planet, they are masters of distraction. While you are distracted and emotionally reacting to outside stimulus of ‘what is’ and ‘has been for a long time’, you are not focused on creating from within that which is necessary to ground the new energy onto planet Earth. Learn to bless what is and focus on feeling from within the energy that you came here ground onto this planet. When we can all do that individually we will collectively create the new energy grid that will over-ride the old program. Events will be getting more and more violent on the planet this year - that is the most powerful plan for distraction - remain focused on your purpose, your work, your intent. Be mindful of your feelings, do not fall into despair, keep your energy focused on the goal. Respect your energy, eliminate and avoid all forms of relationship that are aimed at de-stabilizing your reason for being here at this time. Expand, thrive and ground, the Universe will effectively deal with the rest. Be Blessed.
Esoteric Significance of 2015 – The Mars Influence
In esoteric astrology this year 2015 is under the influence of Mars, whose energy is described as action influenced by the desire principle. Mars governs courage, impulsive emotional behaviour, ambition and expressions of forceful energy. When these Mars energies are in balance they can be channelled for positive growth and change. When unbalanced and aimed within, these energies will lead to self-destruction. This unbalanced energy aimed outward will lead to extremes in violent behaviour. Aggression is the underlying current for the year under Mars’ influence.
Blessings to you all in 2015
The Wood Fairy – La Fée des Bois.