If this is the first time you are reading the 13 Moons 2015 Moon-letter, this year 2015 is a 13 Moon year, the last being in 2012. A 13 Moon year is a powerful cosmic opportunity for soul adjustment and awakening consciousness. This second Full Moon in July is the Blue Moon for 2015, it will manifest in its splendour on July 31 at 10:44 TDT in 7 degrees 56 minutes Aquarius.
The Moon tunes us into what we feel we need for our security, and shows us how we react instinctively and to situations. The Moon rules the rhythms, the ebbs and flows of activity and energy of our lives. Things you know without thought - intuitions, hunches, instincts - are the products of the Moon. Modes of expression that you feel are truly your deepest self belong to the Moon: art, letters, creative work of any kind; sometimes love; sometimes business. The wordless ecstasy, the mute sorrow, the secret dream, the esoteric picture of yourself that you can't get across to the world, or which the world doesn't comprehend or value - these are the products of the Moon.
This Blue Moon is challenges us to give birth to ourselves; to awaken our originality, our inner knowing, wisdom and strength as it leads us to manifest the highest expression of our life-force. We can only find peace when we are true to ourselves.
The Blue Moon transiting the Fixed Air sign of Aquarius promotes enjoyment in meeting new people and exchanging ideas. You may experience stronger social awareness and a desire to belong to a group or community, although sometimes it's more about expressing your own individuality and breaking the rules. This moon influences such activities as mental and intellectual pursuits as well as networking.
Under this Aquarian Blue Moon, it is vital that you stay in touch with your inner emotional state as your suppressed anxieties may lead to nervousness, apprehension and illness. Make an attempt to connect with the beauty of nature and ground yourself into your body. Aquarius has a tendency to live in the ideals of the mind, avoiding the deep waters of the emotions, and a fear of personal emotional involvements because of the threat to personal freedom. Within those deep waters of the emotions lie the key to your transformation and the birthing of your true self, once you are able to use the clarifying an objective viewpoint of the intellect to free yourself from your own fears and limitations.
This Blue Moon in the astrological period of Leo focuses our attention on entertainment in all forms, sincere efforts towards self-improvement, and a re-evaluation of our relationship with all expressions of love. On this journey we will find that the people and situations that do not offer mutual love, support and acceptance will gently drop by the wayside and this will leave an abundance of space for new, interesting and exciting people or opportunities to take their place.
This ``Once in a Blue Moon`` opportunity with its maximum energetic effect, has the capacity to heighten the powerful outcome of anything we ask of our higher self, if our intentions for the outcome are aligned with our higher good.
The Sabian symbol associated with 7 degrees Aquarius is – ``A child born out of an egg shell. New actuation of effort by the power of unrealized purposes. Self expression beyond all expectation. Spiritual protection.``
The Native American Blue Moon is known as Big Spirit Moon - ``Its purpose is to purify us, and to heal all of creation, a process which may take a three month long spiritual journey. During this time, we receive instructions on the healing powers of the universe and transform into our own vision of truth.`` – 13 Grandmother Moon Teachings.
Esoteric Significance of 2015 – The Mars Influence
In esoteric astrology this year 2015 is under the influence of Mars, whose energy is described as - action influenced by the desire principle. Mars governs courage, impulsive emotional behaviour, ambition and expressions of forceful energy. When these Mars energies are in balance they can be channelled for accelerated positive growth and change. When unbalanced and aimed within, these energies will lead to self-destruction. This unbalanced energy aimed outward will lead to extremes in violent behaviour. Aggression is the underlying current for the year under Mars’ influence.
Blessings to you all in 2015
The Wood Fairy – La Fée des Bois.