If this is the first time you are reading the 13 Full Moons of 2015 Moon-letter, this year 2015 is a 13 Moon year, the last being in 2012. A 13 Moon year is a powerful cosmic opportunity for soul adjustment and awakening consciousness. The twelfth Full Moon for this 13 Moon-Year-Cycle is on November 25 at 22:45 TDT in 03 degrees 20 minutes Gemini.
The Moon’s influence assists us in our emotional development, and helps with the unfolding and the maturing of our soul, shining a light on that which is hidden within. Every month we are challenged to break out of our comfort zone, to take stock of the seeds of desire that we have planted (consciously or unconsciously) that are being harvested through the realities that we have created for ourselves. Where the Moon is placed and what is influenced each month in the year, gives us the opportunity to look within and find those hidden places where we need to grow and mature in and through this experience we call life.
The Full Moon in the Mutable Air sign of Gemini influences communication. It is the time for us to free our minds from all inherited belief systems that have held us in mental, emotional and spiritual bondage.Gemini. We are being asked to focus our intuition and learn about ourselves, about the effects our limiting programming has on our nervous system, discover what prevents us from attaining inner peace
Be aware of becoming extremely nervous during this full moon, as the moon in Gemini directly affects the nervous system. And at the same time allow yourself to observe your behaviour and reactions as your nervous system is being stimulated by the moon. This will give you great insight into the places within yourself that needs adjusting and strengthening. You will also gain insight into behaviour patterns, thought patterns and tendencies that no longer serve you, and that are not really you. Trust your intuition and allow yourself to step into and experiment with, new and liberating ways of thinking, new and liberating ways of being, new ways of expressing yourself and new realms of consciousness – that open the doors to different dimensions, higher frequencies. Do not be chained by the fear of being a non-conformist, by being different. Divinity has created many flowers in the Garden of Eden, many different perfumes, many colours for the expression of divine perfection, and through all of this diversity there is great beauty and divine purpose.
The home is where the heart is. Where your heart is energetically, in the expression of yourself – emotionally, mentally and spiritually – is where your soul calls home. Is your home comfortable, nourishing and life supporting to your soul? If not it is time to move house and taste higher expressions of emotion, thought and beliefs.
The Sabian symbol associated with 3 degrees Gemini is – ‘The garden of the Tuileries in Paris. A degree of genuine aristocracy and perfection of behaviour. Self-fulfilment in form and tradition. Collective strength.’
The Native American Twelfth Moon of Creation – Moon in November - is known as the Freezing Moon - ‘Freezing Moon is a time when the Star Nation is closest to us. As every creature being prepares for the coming fasting grounds, we are reminded to prepare ourselves for our spiritual path by learning the sacred teachings and songs that will sustain us.’ – 13 Grandmother Moon Teachings.
Message to Light Workers
To all Light Workers – the energy influx through the full moon at this time of year brings us closer to a more complete understanding of the significance of its impact on human consciousness. It is a time when we are required to focus our intent on a specific aim, target or goal. The energy coming to us through the constellations at this time stimulates the qualities of idealism and intuition within the human collective consciousness.
Idealism is concerned with vision, the capacity to visualize or imagine new and realizable objectives. New and elevated ideas inspire new attitudes within the heart and the mind that open us up to new experiences. The energy signature of this full moon is one of realization of a significant objective that gives reason and direction to our life.
At this time we are being asked to look at our inner conflicts that are mirrored back to us as our reality. We are being asked to re-orient ourselves towards new and more elevated perspectives, with the task of re-centering our intent and using our intuition to tap into higher levels of understanding, new ways of expression and higher levels of consciousness for our liberation and evolution.
The union between the light of our soul and the light of our personality gives us access to our inherent powers within the expression of love and wisdom that is a healing balm and a light upon the world. Intelligence illuminated from within by the light of love and wisdom is the path and the divine plan.
Thank you to have taken up the challenge to walk this path in integrity. And as our planet Earth enters this higher frequency area of the galaxy, we are being asked to remember our purpose and commitment to be holders of frequency and supporters of life, as we humbly step up to work in harmony with the divine plan.
Be Blessed.