``When making important decisions,
I need to still my mind,
By breathing long, and slow, and deep,
And surrendering to the Divine.``
And that is just the way it is on our beautiful blue planet these days! There is a lot going on that can pull us off center, confuse us and just get us pissed. This is happening both collectively and personally, and is all part of a divine test. It could be enough to make you want to shake your fist at "god/dess" with a great big "Cut it out!"
However, these conditions can also serve us and our evolution by "separating the men from the boys," so to speak. Just what are you made of? How devoted, determined, persevering, loving, and forgiving are you REALLY? Are you walking your talk? This is a time when GREAT actions can be taken that change the course of history (maybe to herstory?). We can say that history is being made and it is just a question of by who and how consciously they are trying to create from peace, love, and harmony, or how much they are reacting and acting out of past fears, beliefs, conditions, and unconscious programming. Time will certainly tell. Let's be the change. Injoy!