If this is the first time you are reading the 13 Full Moons of 2015 Moon-letter, this year 2015 is a 13 Moon year, the last being in 2012. A 13 Moon year is a powerful cosmic opportunity for soul adjustment and awakening consciousness. The eleventh Full Moon for this 13 Moon-Year-Cycle is on October 27 at 12:06 TDT in 03 degrees 45 minutes Taurus.
The Moon’s influence assists us in our emotional development, and helps with the unfolding and the maturing of our soul, shining a light on that which is hidden within. Every month we are challenged to break out of our comfort zone, to take stock of the seeds of desire that we have planted (consciously or unconsciously) that are being harvested through the realities that we have created for ourselves. Where the Moon is placed and what is influenced each month in the year, gives us the opportunity to look within and find those hidden places where we need to grow and mature in and through this experience we call life.
The Full Moon in the Fixed Earth sign of Taurus influences our determination. It is the time of self-mastery and indicates spiritual development by working with the physical aspects of life. Being tuned into and appreciative to what you already have; to your creative will; to your connection to the life force; to your innate ability to consciously use cosmic energy to fulfil your needs; will be particularly enlightening this week. The full moon in Taurus will bring into your awareness what you have created that is appealing to you and what activities need to be initiated in order to fulfil your emotional and mental security.
Be aware that you do not burden yourself with the grief and problems of others. Be sure to intend that a situation or relationship be beneficial to you before you engage your involvement, and the use of your will power. Be open to become aware as to how the situation or relationship reflects back to you the places where spiritual growth is required. Do not let the drive for security lead you to settle for anything below who you know you are.
During the influence of this Full Moon exercise your ability to tune into your instinct of knowing exactly how to reach your goals. Tune into your emotions as your guidance system, allowing you to feel your way along your path. Know that jealousy and possessiveness are signs that you are definitely off your path.
The Sabian symbol associated with 3 degrees Taurus is – ‘Steps up to a lawn of blooming with clover. The invitation extended by all nature to man for self-expression. Inspirational possibility in all experience. Hope.’
The Native American Tenth Moon of Creation – Moon in October - is known as the Falling Leaves Moon - ‘Falling Leaves Moon is a time when Mother Earth is honoured with the grandest colours. As all Creation makes their offerings to Her, we become aware of all the miracles of Creation before us and our spiritual energies are once again awakened.’ – 13 Grandmother Moon Teachings.
To all Light Workers – the energy influx through the full moon at this time of year, brings critical experiences upon all the levels of consciousness (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual). Every stage and aspect of growth is met with integrity tests. The Light Worker is one who has succeeded in transcending emotional and mental limitations of the personality through the grace of service. This service is the co-operation between the light and unconditional love.
Consciousness is awakened in stages, and each stage attracts its own personal trials (integrity tests), that holds within what is known as initiation. Initiation is the path of perfection that the Light Worker chooses to make through unconditional love him/herself and for others, as a means to accelerate evolution in consciousness.
During this time your mental perceptions and position will be tested around your appetites and desires on the physical plane; as well as attitudes around desires and instability on the emotional plane. These life tests are to determine the quality of your energy. These initiations are necessary for the Source to test its carriers of the higher frequencies of healing and consciousness altering light energy.
Remember that an inflated ego is intellectual satisfaction that creates a barrier for the influx of these high frequency energies. Intellectual satisfaction manifests as a misalignment with life energy and physically manifests in the body as dis-ease. Those who are in a state of dis-ease cannot be an effective channel for the high frequency healing and conscious altering light energy, their being is not in harmony with that energy frequency. A being in harmony with the higher frequencies of healing energy manifests as an example of a healthy being, who has been healed and stands as an example of what can be accomplished. Being a channel for healing allows you to pass that energy through you and the result is that you are in a state of health.
Heal yourself before attempting to become a channel for this energy. And as you allow yourself to move into health, you will have access to other levels of consciousness and understanding. Many are those who have been chosen to step up to this life initiation of being in health (harmony with life), and many are those who fail this great opportunity to awaken their inner power and ability to be aligned to the Source of all. What you say after the words ‘I Am’ defines your reality.
May this time bring you into harmonious alignment with the source of true Divine Maturity. May your independence guide you to the knowledge of alignment with the nature of the Source and the understanding of the Laws of Cosmic Renewal.
Be Blessed.
Esoteric Significance of 2015 – The Mars Influence
In esoteric astrology this year 2015 is under the influence of Mars, whose energy is described as – powerful raw energy and action influenced by the desire principle. Mars governs courage, impulsive emotional behaviour, ambition and expressions of forceful energy. When these Mars energies are in balance they can be channeled for accelerated positive growth and change. When unbalanced and aimed within, these energies will lead to self-destruction. This unbalanced energy aimed outward will lead to extremes in violent behaviour. High energy movement and aggression is the underlying current for the year under Mars’ influence.
Blessings to you all in 2015