The life of a traditional healer of the ancient ways is not an easy one, it does require following a strict discipline, a deep understanding of the ancient laws and the necessity to sacrifice the desires of the personal ego. I have decided to write about this at this time, because I believe that it is important for people to be aware of the dangers of allowing these charlatan healers who manipulate their energy fields. We now live in a time when you can buy the right to be called an energy worker, you can buy a course and have the title of healer. The old ways are no longer respected and we live in a time where a tradition that was based on light and life and very much respected has now fallen into the domain of darkness and death.
A few years ago a woman approached me, suffering from leukemia; she asked for my services and in exchange wanted to give me energy treatments. For a moment I stood there in disbelief that someone who was literally dying would propose to manipulate the energy field of someone who was in perfect health. At first I thought she was joking, and then realized that she was totally serious. I realized that this person knew nothing of the ancient laws of healers, and that there were many more people like her doing the same thing. When I started talking and sharing these ancient laws with some of the people on a spiritual path, I was surprised again, they were more interested in hiding these facts from the people they knew who were sick and practicing healing techniques. What a strange world we live in today, the ancient sacred sciences have fallen into the hands of those who would use them to bring darkness and suffering into this world.
I am going to share these teachings with you, these are very ancient Spiritual Laws and they do apply today to anyone willing to walk the authentic path of Healer. These laws are not to be changed or modified, for even though we may not understand all the implications they hold, they were given to us to maintain a pure line of transmission. They are formulated as responsibilities, for as healers there are responsibilities towards personally maintaining a high level of frequency in order to be a conduit of the highest expression of life energy.
1.) You have the responsibility to be master over your emotional reality – for pain, fear, anger and other feelings are given to you by necessity. If you conquer them you will become sovereign unto yourself, and be aligned to your immortal counselor – the Divine Spirit. If you are conquered by them you will live the life of a slave to your instincts, becoming a docile tool to evil influences of the intelligences within sublimated matter and be unsuitable for walking the path of a traditional healer.
2.) You have the responsibility to maintain your original electromagnetic charge. Women have a positive electromagnetic charge. Men have a negative electromagnetic charge. In order to maintain your electromagnetic charge you shall refrain from abusing alcoholic stimulants. Men can be changed into women by changing the negative condition of his electromagnetic charge into the positive electromagnetic charge of a woman, and vice versa – through the abuse of alcoholic stimulants. The result of this change in electromagnetic charge is a repulsion towards the opposite sex, and an irrational, irritable, excitable and violent constitution engaging in conflict and deadly strife, as well as long term mental and emotional instability and eventual self-destruction.
In some very strict traditions the total elimination of alcoholic stimulants is recommended for as we grow more sensitive to energy vibrations a smaller amount of alcohol can affect our electromagnetic energy charge and our mental-emotional state.
3.) You have the responsibility to maintain the equilibrium of vigorous health - morally and physically. The maintaining of physical health of the body comes through the food we eat, but more importantly, through the magnetic force which resides in all nature and by which every individual member draws its specific nourishment to itself. Mankind draws health from the elements when in equilibrium and disease from the elements when in disequilibrium. Failing the equilibrium of vigorous physical health you are charged with desisting from practicing the ancient traditional art of healing.
To maintain moral health you have the responsibility to maintain alignment with your Divine Counselor. This is manifested as a positive attitude, determined and free from the vices of the body and evil desires of the mind, and mastery over your sexual energy.
If a diseased person attempts to heal, his force may be sufficiently robust to displace the disease, to disturb it in the present place and cause it to shift to another, where it will in time appear; the patient in the mean time believing himself cured.
If the healer be morally diseased, the consequences may be infinitely more devastating; for it is easier to cure a bodily disease than to cleanse a constitution infected with moral turpitude. The healer in such a case, conveys to his patient – who is now his victim – the moral poison that infects his own mind and heart. Against this corruption, there is no protection for the passively-receptive subject. The evil that one such ‘healing medium’ can effect is incalculably great; and of such healers there are by the hundreds.
4.) You have the responsibility to bare no mark upon your soul. As healer of the Old Tradition, your work here upon this physical plane is a manifestation of the sovereign life force of the Great Spirit who works directly through you. As such your responsibility is to make your soul available to the Great Spirit who will form a direct link with you through your inner Divine Spirit. This is the highest form of initiation, as this link cannot be formed through the mediation of another. By accepting marks and mandalas upon your soul through lower forms of initiation, you have relinquished your sovereignty and have bound yourself to a lower spirit or to the collective karma of a group. In doing so you will have to bear the mark and burden of the groups’ collective karma in this life and the next, or be subjected to an inferior spirit who, as history has proven time and again, will enslave you and abandon you in your time of greatest need. In order to be an effective healer two things are necessary: to disengage the will from all servitude and to exercise it in control.
This does not mean that symbols are not to be used in your work, it means that symbols are to be used by you as in the times of the ancients so as to maintain your sovereignty. You are not to be subjected and ruled by symbols and be branded a slave by them.
5.) You have the responsibility to study the laws of nature, specifically the magnetic laws of vibration, and to master that knowledge. It is important to be versed in the knowledge of the opening and closing of portals; the guardians of the thresholds; and the containing and maintaining of energy fields. The tools and techniques that you use in these works are varied according to your constitution and are determined by the tradition you are to follow.
Here are the basic five laws of the ancient path of the traditional healer. Whole volumes can and have been be written on each law. But this is basically an oral and spiritual tradition available to those who would take the serious and dangerous challenge of walking upon this path. There have been many who have started walking this path and many who have lost their lives doing so. There is no room for error and arrogance on this path as the consequence of error is disease – which requires one to stop healing and reevaluate which laws have been broken that has created imbalance within ones system. Once the imbalance is corrected and vigorous health maintained, only then can one continue to walk upon this path. The consequence of arrogance on this path is certain death.
There is another phenomena that has to be addressed in this article, it is known as Vampirism. In this case the physically diseased healer attempts healing and not only fails, but imparts his illness to his patient, and robs that patient of what strength he may have. We can see this phenomena with older persons reinforcing their failing vigor with the healthy magnetism of a younger lover, helper or servant.
The same applies to the morally diseased who gather groups around them and gradually contaminate the hearts, minds and constitution of the members of the group by imparting the infection of their vices. These members, if at one time physically healthy, will become physically ill, or if they were physically ill to being with, will come to accept illness as their normal state of being and may even develop other illnesses and dis-eases. I have been told by someone in this situation, that because he had decided to accept an ill ‘healer’ as his elder/ spiritual guide, that it was normal and natural that he be imposed every illness and disease of this elder/spiritual guide/healer. This has effectively come to pass, the ill ‘healer’ still alive and still feeding of the energy of his ignorant followers.
It is important to understand that supporting this type of behaviour is not helping to raise the vibration of the collect consciousness of the human race. This behavoiur is actually known as ‘the enabler’ – this maintains ignorance and the patterns of victimization in the collective consciousness of the human collective, and allows the ill ‘healer’ to avoid all responsibility for his physical and moral health and spiritual integrity. Those who belong to groups with ill ‘healers’ at their center are actually maintaining the grip of darkness upon the planet, they are definitely not working to bring down the new frequency light upon the planet, as all of their vital force is going towards maintaining the old regime.
It is time for us to be responsible for how we use our vital and spiritual energy. We cannot pretend to be ignorant or innocent anymore, our state of health determines whether we are on the path of life or the path of death, whether we are working to bring in the new life supporting energy or whether we are maintaining the old abusive destructive energy.
I am grateful that I have had these experiences, for they have allowed me the opportunity and reason for sharing these old laws – my part in the awakening. It is certain that there will be those who will take offence by this article, it is also certain that they will feel targeted and ruffled in their state of complacency. There are those who will take offence, they will feel threatened as they can no longer profit off of the innocent and the ignorant. Those who feel this way have a choice to continue along their path as this article is not addressed to them. This article is addressed to those who have come here at this time to accomplish the shift of the ages, it is a tool to help them remember what they already know within themselves.
Blessings to All,
Traditional Healer by Birth and Heritage.
These laws are handed down orally from the Healing Tradition of Ancient Mesopotamia - they were brought to ancient Egypt before the time of Pharaohs. In oral form they are shared among the traditional Native American healers of South and Central America, specifically of the ancient temple traditions of the Mayan and the Inca and of the traditions of the Huichol and Arawak nations.
Traces of these teachings can be found in written form in:
Tibetan Art of Healing – Shrestha . Baker.
Isis Unveiled – H.P. Blavatsky
Tibetan Secret Doctrines – Evans-Wentz
Nag Hammadi Scriptures – Marvin Meyer