''Whether I call it work or play,
It's time for me to seize the day,
Roll up my sleeves and get down to business,
To cook up a world that is warm and delicious.''
Full Moon in Pisces, woo hoo! Time to connect, dance, sing, play, and enjoy! Hopefully you can be out in nature, hugging some trees, hunting down gnomes, and talking to fairies. The only challenge there, as pointed out in this week's report, is the possibility of going overboard with food, drink, and/or dancing until you drop.
The full Moon is accompanied by Venus and Mars coming together to love, laugh, and play in Leo. It is a wonderful time to see how balanced and integrated you have your masculine and feminine sides. Simply witness how much love, competition, passion, or lack thereof manifests for you this week. If it is not quite what you would like this can be a time to find out why, heal, release, and open so over the next couple of months that changes! Go for it!
I am sorry to have spaced out Lilith, who moved into Libra on the 24th!!!!! OMG!!! Big shift for the shadow worker! I will have to catch you up on that next week, when hopefully I am more grounded haha!
To understand more about this Venus/Mars conjunction, Lilith in Libra and her connecting with the Moon's north node, I gave a talk that is now available regarding evolving the masculine and feminine for a new paradigm. You may ant to check it out here: http://newparadigmastrology.com/shop/...