''My forest friends are my teachers,
As they have no false beliefs.
They are not ashamed or feel bad,
But come and go as they please.''
OK, it's true, there are a lot of forest friends these days running and hiding for their lives! But I am speaking here of "forest friends" that are fortunate enough to be living out of reach of the humans!
I hope you get that this full Moon is bring up deeply buried instincts in the gut that may be "unreasonable" but that does not mean they (or you) are "wrong"! Alas, these are days of facing some of our issues that have been avoided or ignored for a long time The roots go deep to the current situation.
It is a time of great liberation but that liberation does not come so easy, it requires truly feeling, honoring those feelings, valuing those feelings, speaking those feelings, and acting on those feelings.... Yikes! May you be driven by the passion born from the heart and powered by the soul! Namaste!