''I must pull myself together
And rise up from the ashes,
Rekindling the flame
Of love for all that happens.''
Welcome to the new Moon in Sagittarius! 0 degrees at that..... I relate it so much to the Phoenix, rising from the ashes of the funeral pyre in Scorpio to be resurrected with new hope, new beliefs, and new frontiers! For that resurrection to happen it becomes necessary to let go of the negative emotions that can lead to judgements and separation.
As the tension of the Uranus/Pluto square tightens up toward becoming exact in January, believe me, there will be plenty going on that can piss us off, bum us out, and bring us down. The square to Lilith brings up the inequality between the sexes that is still going on whether obvious or beneath the surface. As Sag is the sign of the seeker/teacher may you learn more truth and spread the joy you find!.... so much love........